Anna Luisa Wickern
Senior PR Consultant

My job at HeadlineAffairs in three words:
Different every day.
What I’m doing at HeadlineAffairs:
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Communication.
Crowning achievements of PR are…
... to be genuine even in crises.
Capital sins of PR are… only focus on quick success instead of long-term impact.
In the past I thought…
... that journalists make the news.
Now I know...
... that public opinion is influenced by many sides.
Whether it's bedtime stories, exciting novels or high poetry - I have always been fascinated by well-told stories. But just listening is not enough for me, I want to tell my own stories: Even in primary school I took the pencil in my hand to write very creative stories with very creative spelling. Since then my spelling skills have improved, creativity and joy of writing have remained. Today I tell headline stories for you at HeadlineAffairs.