Our service

We continuously expand our services, because if you’re not moving with the times, the times will remove you. In our teams, practical project experience from longterm employees meets the knowledge of freshly qualified graduates. Lively interaction forms the basis for a functioning PR beyond short-term trends. A lasting effect instead of a brief homage to the spirit of the time.

Whether classical corporate communication or the challenges of modern communication 2.0: our strategic and practically oriented consultancy builds the framework for your accentuated appearance – in golden times as well as in times of crisis. In individually adjusted measures tactics meet creativity.

From concept to editorial content and design we offer comprehensive communicative solutions. Our strength does not only lie in strategy and storytelling. HeadlineAffairs makes you a competent speaker. Through media trainings you learn how to communicate your story effectively and target-oriented in front of running cameras and microphones.


Successes, changes but also crises within companies are determined by communication. The HeadlineAffairs team offers many years of experience in special competences as strategic public relations, stakeholder management, corporate communications, press work, issue management and in the field of crisis communication.

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PR Service

Our PR service is more than just the sum of its parts. As a full-service agency, we partly act independently as seismographs and megaphones of our customers. In flexible team structures everyone lends a hand where he or she knows best … and our qualifications are diverse. Come and test it.

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Editorial Services

For making the right headline, we develop the core messages together. We translate complex content into target oriented and attractive stories. Whether technical know-how, a product that needs explanation or a sensitive societal topic – our editorial team puts your topics on paper and delivers stories that will be printed.

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Public Affairs

Communication and decision-making processes in a political environment depend on one thing: the reconciliation of interests between corporations, associations, politics and the public. We observe current political developments and analyze which consequences societal trends have on your industry and company.

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Online PR

Sender > channel > recipient. The proven rules for good communication also apply online. How should a message be built to receive online responses? What are the right words and pictures for each online channel – whether newsletter, blog, tweet or Youtube video? How do I reach important influencers? But also: recipient > channel > sender? That is, how do I handle a dialogue, critics or even a shitstorm?

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CSR / Engagement

Immer mehr Unternehmen setzen auf Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), um nachhaltig und verantwortungsvoll zu handeln und ihr Engagement für Gesellschaft und Umwelt sichtbar zu machen. Mit unserer CSR-Expertise unterstützen wir Sie dabei, eine maßgeschneiderte Strategie zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, die Ihre Werte widerspiegelt und Ihre Marke nachhaltig stärkt. Ob Sie erste Schritte im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit gehen oder Ihre CSR-Maßnahmen optimieren möchten – wir bieten individuelle Beratung für Ihr (sozial) nachhaltiges Unternehmen.

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Become confident speaking: not only media interviews require detailed preparation – every interaction with a stakeholder requires a professionally controlled conversation – let’s call it competent negotiation.

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