“Communicate simply, think complicatedly – not the other way around!”

That’s the headline of our work. Since 2004, we have been supporting as PR agency in Munich international corporations and medium-sized industrial companies as a full-service agency in all kinds of questions concerning internal and external communication. HeadlineAffairs helps you generate striking headlines – but also, if you unexpectedly become a subject of red headlines yourself.

Get to know us!

Our Service
We continuously expand our services, because if you’re not moving with the times, the times will remove you. In our teams, practical project experience from longterm employees meets the knowledge of freshly qualified graduates. Lively interaction forms the basis for a functioning PR beyond short-term trends. A lasting effect instead of a brief homage to the spirit of the time.

Training →

Be able to speak: Become confident speaking: not only media interviews require detailed preparation – every interaction with a stakeholder requires a professionally controlled conversation – let’s call it competent negotiation.

Learn more


A successful combination of donations of time, money and goods: We were able to support Amazon with a Volunteering before Christmas

Theresa supported our client Amazon shortly before Christmas with a volunteering for children and young people. Read more about it here.
Theresa Niederstraßer
Theresa Niederstraßer

I studied arts, music and cultural management and have already gained experience in project and event management, fundraising, sponsoring as well as consulting. The topic of Corporate Social Responsibility is very close to my heart. Especially today, I think it is extremely important for companies to see themselves as Corporate Citizens, to assume social responsibility and to have a positive impact on society. Therefore, I am very happy to implement our clients' CSR projects with my colleagues at HeadlineAffairs.

Helping to shape the digital future

We have been supporting our client Amazon in the "Amazon Future Engineer" initiative since 2021. Our colleague Vanessa looks back on the collaboration and explains why the program is so important.
Vanessa Eigner
Vanessa Eigner

Vanessa Eigner studied European Cultural History and English language and literature at the University of Augsburg. She worked for a cultural magazine as well as for the marketing department of a software and training company.

Storytelling made easy – thanks to coincidence

Two HeadlineAffairs clients meet on a building site in Jena. Our colleague Sarah tells you more about the unplanned PR story.
Sarah Spitzl-Kirch
Sarah Spitzl-Kirch

Schreiben war schon immer „mein Ding“. Das bestätigte mir bereits meine Deutschlehrerin in der Grundschule und meine Lehrerin in der fünften Klasse prophezeite: „Du wirst mal Journalistin“. Sicherlich war es auch dieser frühe Zuspruch, der mich dazu veranlasste, ein Studium der Germanistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft aufzunehmen und erfolgreich abzuschließen (= ich wurde keine Taxifahrerin). In die Zeitungsredaktion hat es mich trotz der Weissagung nur mal für ein Praktikum verschlagen. Jetzt haue ich bei HeadlineAffairs in die Tastatur. Von der Mitarbeiterzeitung, über den Kundennewsletter und die Pressemitteilung bis hin zu Blogbeiträgen und Mitarbeiterportraits begebe ich mich seit mittlerweile neun Jahren täglich auf die Suche nach Geschichten, die es aufzuschreiben lohnt.