
Target hit – career start at HeadlineAffairs


Lisa GreinsbergerMarch 03, 2016 – After a long search for my dream job, I finally arrived at HeadlineAffairs. Studying politics and law at Munich’s university LMU was always accompanied by the question concerning “professional perspectives” – diplomat, journalist, taxi driver? An Erasmus stay at the Sorbonne and various internships were supposed to provide clarity. I finally found the answer after a two-month internship in a PR agency in Hamburg: corporate communications.
Defining relevant issues and the right communication channels, writing and editing texts for different media and target groups, the guidelines in talking to clients and journalists – from the beginning I was fascinated by the diversity of public relations. In the press department of a children’s book publishing house in Munich and while working for an agency in Starnberg with clients from the sectors industry and financial services, my career aspiration became even more concrete. After my training as certified PR specialist at the Bayerische Akademie für Werbung und Marketing, I was fully prepared for my traineeship at HeadlineAffairs.

I’m looking forward to a twelve-month training on the job in the heart of Munich, various new insights and experiences, a wide range of projects and tasks as well as a lot of fun with my new colleagues!

Lisa Greinsberger

Quelle: HA
