Autumn under the aspect of digitalization: MÜNCHNER KREIS is offering orientation in the digital world
October 27, 2016 – What is the common denominator of Sharing Economy, Gaming and Cyber-Security? All of them are closely connected to digital transformation. The MÜNCHNER KREIS, the leading independent platform for developers and decision-makers in the digital world, dedicated an event to each of these issues. HeadlineAffairs was amongst the attendees and managed public relations for the MÜNCHNER KREIS.
Sharing as an economic factor
Companies like Airbnb and Uber are players in the fast-growing Sharing Economy. Whilst sharing is not a new invention, it has only recently started to play a crucial role in Germany’s economy. At the symposium on “Sharing Economy in Germany – impact and sustainability of new types of economic activity” Prof. Dr. Veit from the University of Augsburg presented status reports on the “i-share”-research project, conducted by the University of Augsburg and the MÜNCHNER KREIS, which examines the contribution of Sharing Economy’s business models to sustainable economic activity in Germany.
Gaming as a role model for other industries
The Gaming industry is bursting with innovations and characterizes itself through a high level of technological competence. Both are important characteristics for digital transformation in other industries and, so the participants of the symposium agreed, the Digital Agenda should also make the most of this potential. Virtual-Reality glasses are an example of Gaming technology already being successfully used in other sectors, such as medicine or the automobile industry. Game developers could prevent many companies from being pulled under by a digital tsunami and help them successfully conquer digital change.
Room for improvement in cyber security
An often underestimated, yet central and crucial topic in the context of digitalisation is cyber security. More and more people are using the internet and giving up data but security is still falling behind. Experts from politics, economics and science were discussing the most pressing issues on this topic, that contains not only technical components but also affects economics, politics and society, at this year’s Berlin talks on “Cyber Security – new services caught between regulation and personal responsibility” held by the MÜNCHNER KREIS. One thing was clear: cooperation and the collection of competence is unavoidable but up to a certain extent government regulation should not be amiss.