
Reinterpreting the media industry – HeadlineAffairs supports PR activities of MÜNCHNER KREIS ahead of conference


Fachkonferenz Medienindustrie MÜNCHNER KREIS May 12, 2015 – Is it finally time to diagnose the complete transformation of the media industry by digital technologies? To what extent are the foundations of the media landscape in Germany and around the world really shaken by the digital transformation? These were the tough questions that panelists and participants grappled with at a one-day conference organized by the MÜNCHNER KREIS and the Internet Business Cluster, two renowned Munich-based think tanks concerned with the economic and societal effects of digitalization. Stated aim of the conference, which took place at IDG Business Media offices in Munich, was to unpack the different mechanisms that are driving the current change from ‘classic content’ to a consumer web. In three thematic sessions, experts from different sectors such as media, business and academia discussed the challenges and opportunities the digital transformation holds for the media industry. Despite all controversy, one point everyone agreed on: simply feeding users with content does no longer do the trick. Those working in the media industry will increasingly have to employ new tools such as social media channels to enter into a direct dialogue with consumers. Content is no longer king – the user is. In addition, new technologies such as the connected car or “smart home” applications are changing the way content is distributed to the user. These and other exciting debates were carried over to the reception, where the ‘Headliners’ were seen mingling with participants and panelists to further explore the question of the day: “Quo vadis media industry?” (Picture: Stefan Pielow / MÜNCHNER KREIS)
